We Publish Poems Only.
We are a Registered Brand.
Our Mission lies in our slogan - We are the Bankers of Your Soul.
Our Website : www.poetschoice.in
Watch our Youtube Videos here - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy4JoYqai1UeGweUkJ7_5BFdNBSaiM_p8
Dear Submitter,
Final Extended end date - 20th March 2025.
Theme : General - Oysters
Meaning in slang -- a closemouthed or uncommunicative person, especially one who keeps secrets well. something from which a person may extract or derive advantage: The world is my oyster.
This submission seeks to collect poems that are not specific. However, we'll prefer it if you are able to submit a poem you wrote that depicts that meaning out loud.
Express them in these poems as if they're being fulfilled and when you pen your poem down, you have finally managed to achieve them.
We wish to bring out the significance and relevance of the observations made by poetic voices.
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc. any recognized form of writing poem.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Submitter,
Final Extended end date - 31st March 2025.
Theme : General - Bussin'
Meaning in slang -- Aamzing, Really Good.
This submission seeks to collect poems that are not specific. However, we'll prefer it if you are able to submit a poem you wrote that depicts that meaning out loud.
Express them in these poems as if they're being fulfilled and when you pen your poem down, you have finally managed to achieve them.
We wish to bring out the significance and relevance of the observations made by poetic voices.
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc. any recognized form of writing poem.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Submitter,
Final end date - 31st March 2025.
Theme : General - Rent free
Meaning in slang -- dominate someone's thoughts, become an obsession.
Example - “Since I saw Jet Lie, JetLie is living rent-free inside my head.”
This submission seeks to collect poems that are not specific. However, we'll prefer it if you are able to submit a poem you wrote that depicts that meaning out loud.
Express them in these poems as if they're being fulfilled and when you pen your poem down, you have finally managed to achieve them.
We wish to bring out the significance and relevance of the observations made by poetic voices.
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc. any recognized form of writing poem.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Submitter,
Final Extended end date - 31st March 2025.
Theme : General - Amped
Meaning in slang -- very excited.
Example - Am so amped about visiting Canada.
This submission seeks to collect poems that are not specific. However, we'll prefer it if you are able to submit a poem you wrote that depicts that meaning out loud.
Express them in these poems as if they're being fulfilled and when you pen your poem down, you have finally managed to achieve them.
We wish to bring out the significance and relevance of the observations made by poetic voices.
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc. any recognized form of writing poem.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Submitter,
Final end date - 19th March 2025.
Theme : General - Bestie
Meaning in slang -- best friend
Example - They were both college besties.
This submission seeks to collect poems that are not specific. However, we'll prefer it if you are able to submit a poem you wrote that depicts that meaning out loud.
Express them in these poems as if they're being fulfilled and when you pen your poem down, you have finally managed to achieve them.
We wish to bring out the significance and relevance of the observations made by poetic voices.
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc. any recognized form of writing poem.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Poet,
This form is only meant for you if you have a collection of poems that you want to publish as a poetry book. The minimum number of pages a book must have is 80. This can include graphical representations too.
The nature of the book, has to be consisting of poems in specific poetry forms such as Clerihew, Cinquain, Tanka, Kenning, Senryu, Haiku, Sonnets, Anaphora, Monostich or any other poetry form.
Free Verse is not acceptable here - if you want to submit free verse - we ask you to use 'Manuscript Submission' form - which we have floated separately.
Guidelines 1. Send your poems (manuscript) in an attached word document. Send author bio, your name, contact details and any other content you wish to include in your book in a separate word document. 2.Submit via Submittable only. As this will ensure your email does not get lost in the bundle of emails we receive everyday. 3. There is a manuscript reading cost. This cost involves the reading of your manuscript for consideration of possible publication. 4. Review Time will be anywhere between a week to a month from the date of your submission. For any queries or questions, please feel free to Direct Message us on Instagram - @poetschoice or email us on poetschoice@hotmail.com . You can also visit our website - www.poetschoice.in
Dear Poet,
This form is only meant for you if you have a collection of poems that you want to publish as a poetry book. The minimum number of pages a book must have is 80. This can include graphical representations too.
The nature of the book, has to be consisting of poems which speak of social issues, the tone must have a sense of protest - against injustice, against ill treatment or against oneself or anything in general which one can revolt against to bring about change and development - for the better.
Sometimes, people fight in order to be accepted in the society - the way they are. This needn't necessarily be about their color, caste, sexual preferences, disability or otherwise beliefs alone.
We'd like to reach out your voice to the masses, by giving you a platform - a base.
Guidelines 1. Send your poems (manuscript) in an attached word document. Send author bio, your name, contact details and any other content you wish to include in your book in a separate word document. 2.Submit via Submittable only. As this will ensure your email does not get lost in the bundle of emails we receive everyday. 3. There is a manuscript reading cost. This cost involves the reading of your manuscript for consideration of possible publication. 4. Review Time will be anywhere between a week to a month from the date of your submission. For any queries or questions, please feel free to Direct Message us on Instagram - @poetschoice or email us on poetschoice@hotmail.com . You can also visit our website - www.poetschoice.in
Dear Poet,
This form is only meant for you if you have a collection of poems that you want to publish as a poetry book. The minimum number of pages a book must have is 40. This can include graphical representations too.
1. Send your poems (manuscript) in an attached word document. Send author bio, your name, contact details and any other content you wish to include in your book in a separate word document.
2.Submit via Submittable only. As this will ensure your email does not get lost in the bundle of emails we receive everyday.
3. There is a manuscript reading cost. This cost involves the reading of your manuscript for consideration of possible publication.
4. Review Time will be anywhere between a week to a month from the date of your submission.
For any queries or questions, please feel free to Direct Message us on Instagram - @poetschoice or email us on poetschoice@hotmail.com . You can also visit our website - www.poetschoice.in
Dear Submitter,
FINAL END DATE - 30th March 2025
Theme : Poems Using -Alas
Meaning - Express grief, pity or concern
Write your poem and send it to us, using the word - Alas
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc.
This is a collection we'll avail for juvenile readership as well.
So, we will not accept adult content related to the topic, if any.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Submitter,
FINAL END DATE - 30th March 2025
Theme : Poems Using - Ahem
Meaning - Expression of disapproval , typically to attract attention, clear throat.
Write your poem and send it to us, using the word - Ahem
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc.
This is a collection we'll avail for juvenile readership as well.
So, we will not accept adult content related to the topic, if any.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Submitter,
FINAL END DATE - 30th March 2025
Theme : Poems Using - Hallelujah
Meaning - Expression of rejoicing.
Write your poem and send it to us, using the word - Hallelujah
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc.
This is a collection we'll avail for juvenile readership as well.
So, we will not accept adult content related to the topic, if any.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Submitter,
FINAL END DATE - 30th March 2025
Theme : Poems Using - Ahoy
Meaning - Expressed to call out to somebody at a distance or greet someone.
Write your poem and send it to us, using the word - Ahoy
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
Whilst we welcome free verse poetry forms, we'd prefer to see you send us rhymes, haiku, sonnet, chastushka, etc.
This is a collection we'll avail for juvenile readership as well.
So, we will not accept adult content related to the topic, if any.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Poets Choice Team
Dear Submitter,
Theme : Prose Poems exploring 'problem solving' stories tactics, principles or anything whatsoever you wish to share that conveys solving a problem or problems.
Permanent End Date - 10th APRIL 2025
Send us your Poem which is on the topic.
The poem needs to be a prose poem in order for it to bring out the subject matter.
The max word count of the poem can touch 3000 words.
Please ensure you follow the following guideline -
File name uploaded as your work, must have the Title of Work and Pen Name - as you'll like to see it in the book, if your work gets accepted.
We look forward to reading your submission
Tentative - Algorithm of Life
5 POEMS WILL RECEIVE BE AWARDED after we close the submission call.
Poets Choice Team
Write poems on 'General' .
The tentative title of this BOOK will be Dutch Poems.
This collection aims at compiling poems in Dutch
Language of Works Submitted MUST be Dutch
We want you to send us max ONE poem.
Please observe the following rules -
1. Make sure you add the name of the poem and your name in the word file you attach. For example, if the name of the poem is 'Lump Throat' and the name of the poet is 'Aks Furniturewala' then the file name must be "Lump Throat_Aks Furniturewala". PLEASE FOLLOW THIS GUIDELINE.
Have you read any of our books ?
Let us know - Whether this poem is simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
- We'd like to have your Instagram handle for this compilation if you have one,. This will help us tag you to posts related to your book on social media.
- If you have been published with us before -please write a review of your book on our website.
The books we have published in the past are -
1. French Poems
2. Spanish Poems
3. German Poems
4. Italian Poems
Check them out on our website -
Poets Choice Team
Its a subject rarely associated with poetry, to write a poem about a sport you love to play or watch.
The poem can be -
- about the sport .
- about the players or a specific player or person involved in the sport.
- about an experience you had whilst watching the sport,
- about something that happened to you due to the influence of this sport.
- anything associated to the sport.
The tentative title of this BOOK will be 'Sporty Poems' .
We want you to send us poem/s ( maximum 1 poem) with a word limit of 1000 words per poem.
Please observe the following rules -
1. Make sure you add the name of the poem and your name in the word file you attach. For example, if the name of the poem is 'Lump Throat' and the name of the poet is 'Aks Furniturewala' then the file name must be "Lump Throat_Aks Furniturewala".
2. We'd need your bio for this compilation. In the Cover Letter, please share
- your pen name or the name you would like us to use in the book.
- if you have previously participated or simultaneously participated in another compilation, ongoing currently.
The books we have published recently are -
1. Mr Daydream by Diana Willand
2. Funnel To Freedoms Ring by Andre Brewer
3. Jumbled Part 2
4. Sonnets Odes Rhymes
5. To The Newspapers
6. Corona Global Lockdown - Our Bestseller
7. A Futile Attempt At Delaying The Inevitable by Adam Webb
8. Inner Voice
Check them out on our website -
Look forward to reading your entries.
Poets Choice Team